Security and Access

Security and Access

Our security systems are custom designed

Security and Access

We are proud to have been recognised nationally as a market leader in site security and are the first storage facility in the country to be awarded the new Platinum classification. Our exemplar security system has been identified by CaSSOA as a model to which others may aim. Nortech, who have provided our scanning and tracking system, have used our site as a case study to provide information for other compounds who aim to develop their own security to a similar standard. This case study can be accessed on the Nortech website by clicking here.

Our secure compound is surrounded by palisade security fencing with a single entry and exit point through two electronically controlled security gates (an 'airlock' system).  These are operated by individually issued key fobs which electronically record every entry and exit allowing easy but secure access for members.  Each unit is data tagged to monitor movement and ensure that the caravan only leaves the compound when the associated key fob has been used. Only you can remove your unit!

The compound and the entry/exit point is fully alarmed, has security lighting and also 24 hrs monitored and digitally recorded CCTV cameras.  It is monitored by the site owners who live on site.There is easy access to both semi-hardstanding and hardstanding pitches with the roads being 6m (19' 6") wide to allow for easy manoeuvering.

All pitches are clearly marked and numbered, individually allocated and 3.4m (11' 2") wide for easy access (normal caravan widths are between 7' 2" and 7' 6"). A small number of 8ft (2.45m) wide caravans can generally be accommodated. Our semi-hardstanding pitches have slabbed areas for wheels and jockey wheel to ease parking and fitting of security devices.

As Back Lane is a single track country lane it is imperative that there is no parking on the road or verges.

Access times to storage compound

Access times vary according to the seasons.  This is to allow access during the hours of daylight to prevent accidents.


Monday to Saturday



0800 - 1600

0900 - 1600


0800 - 1700

0900 - 1700


0800 - 1800

0900 - 1800


0800 - 1900

0900 - 1900

May - August

0800 - 2000

0900 - 2000


0800 - 1900

0900 - 1900


0800 - 1800

0900 - 1800


0800 - 1700

0900 - 1700


0800 - 1600

0900 - 1600


Closed:   Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day

Access at any other time by arrangement only.



About Us

Our Platinum rated storage facility is located on the outskirts of Deeping St. James. We look forward to welcoming you! Website last updated on 17.06.2024

Our Contacts

Border Caravan Storage, Keal Lodge, Back Lane, Deeping St James, Peterborough, PE6 8RT